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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Today's Devotion

Of course, this is not normally language we consider pastoral or biblical - but there are times for bluntness, sarcasm, and for raising eyebrows. Dealing with false teachers in the congregation is not a time to be nice or to worry about hurt feelings.

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Larry Beane Comment
Shelby Foote on Preaching?

I found these remarks by the notable writer Shelby Foote (1916-2005) to be somewhat analogous and applicable to preaching. After all, preaching is a form of writing, insofar as it requires preparation and thought, and is done by means of words woven together into a larger work of narrative - whether one preaches with a manuscript or not.

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Larry Beane Comment

It is often said that when the pope catches a cold, the Lutherans sneeze.

Most of these Romanizations are within the realm of Vatican II liturgical adiaphora, such as receiving communion in the hand while standing and going through a continuous reception line, the passing of the peace, the three-year lectionary, the freestanding altar, etc.

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