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Posts in Pastoral care
Book Review: The Small Town Lutheran Church & Pastor, by Heath Curtis

Typical of Curtis’ style, his arguments are concise, his application clear, and his prose eminently readable. He doesn’t wax poetic, but gives us the facts, elaborates on what those facts indicate, and offers clear, practical, and actionable advice on bringing the task of pastoral ministry to bear in this context — which is the highest probability within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

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By the Ministry of the Word of Christ Jesus

The pastors and confessors of Christ Jesus bear and suffer His Cross in their body and life, as surely as they proclaim His Cross in their preaching and distribute the fruits of His Sacrifice by the Ministry of His Gospel. And they are content with the food and drink, the clothing and shelter that God provides through His people — just as the Lord also feeds His people and quenches their thirst with His Holy Supper, clothes them with His righteousness in Holy Baptism, and shelters them within His Church on earth through the labors of His called and ordained servants.

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On Being Human

One the one hand, pastors have to get used to the authority invested in the office they hold. The one who stands in Christ’s stead and by His command has been given authority to speak His Word of comfort, grace, and forgiveness, as well as His word of repentance, admonition, and condemnation.

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Pastoral Letter of Encouragement

For those who are presently constrained and prevented from many (perhaps all) of your regular duties, the temptation to despair is poignant. But do not be afraid! The Lord is with you and for you, He loves you, and His plans and purposes for you have neither gone awry nor been abandoned. It is for Him to know what He is even now preparing for you. And to you it is given to watch and pray, to wait upon His mercy, and to live by His grace through faith in His Word and promise.

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