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Not To Be Trifled With

Most people don’t really believe in the spirit world, and that even includes a lot of people who say they do. Because if you really do believe, you will treat the spirit realm like you would a fallen power line during an ice storm. Only it’s even more dangerous precisely because its effects aren’t as apparent. I realize I can sound like a scold when it comes to this stuff, but that’s not because I’m a killjoy. It’s because I care about people, and because early life experience taught me that spirits are most definitely not to be trifled with.
— Christopher Knowles, "Not To Be Trifled With," *The Endless American Midnight,* page 240

I don’t believe Christopher Knowles is a Christian, but he has a lot of interesting commentary - though a lot of it is quite esoteric. He is a critic of the spiritualism and nihilism of pop culture (in which he has worked his entire career). This book is a compilation of earlier essays published at his Secret Sun Blog, as well as some new essays (like this one entitled “Not To Be Trifled With”).

Here is his author page at Amazon. And here is his Secret Sun Blog (with essays dating back to 2007). This is fascinating stuff, whether one agrees with him on any given topic or not. He provides a critical window into where many Americans - including Christians - get their worldview. He is also on X (Twitter) here.

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