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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Fifteen Theses on Excommunication

Excommunication is done so infrequently in our churches that it is possible for faithful leaders to bungle the process horribly, not through any malice, but simply for lack of experience and established procedure. Thus, I invite discussion on the following theses in order to promote the proper care of souls and to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

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Lutheran Lawfare

A word was coined in 1975 that has gotten a lot of traction as of late: “Lawfare.” It is a portmanteau of the words “Law” and “warfare.” Lawfare is a weaponized use of the law (in the civil sense) that turns the legal process itself into punishment.

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The Society of St. James

The delightful and erudite Reverend Father Charles McClean gives a brilliant address on the history of the Society of St. James - which worked in the early to mid 20th century to restore liturgical and eucharistic piety back to an American Lutheran context decimated by various cultural forces that left our churches ceremonially impoverished.

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Whatever It Takes for God's Kingdom

After two generations of failing to bring in the youth by being like the other denominations, perhaps it is time for the “whatever it takes” element in our synod to try something truly contemporary and new—something that they have hitherto been unwilling to do: practice reverent and historic worship.

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The Holy Fire

Last night, on May 4, 2024, the Greek Orthodox patriarch went into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (on Eastern Holy Saturday) and emerged with a candle that he claims was lit by the annual miracle of the Holy Fire. And this has been going on for centuries. There are many Christians around the world who believe this is a recurring miracle.

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On our Preaching Crisis

Instead of the Packers or Iron Man, you should incorporate the apostles or King David. Instead of cracking jokes, you should be treading on demons. Instead of seeing yourself as a stand up comedian, you should see yourself as a messenger tasked with urgent news: the oracles of God centered on the cross and the blood of the Lord in whose stead you stand.

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Pray for Laborers

The emphasis has been on the fewness of the number of people. I submit that we should emphasize not the fewness in terms of number of people, but the fewness in actual laborers. What you are being called into is labor. It is work. By the sweat of your brow you will eat. It is a daily picking up of your cross. It will be difficult, challenging, exhausting. It is work, which is fitting for a laborer.

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What Preaching Is Not

In our current (Easter) print issue, my Liturgical Observation column provided an analysis of preaching, and some common preaching practices that cannot even legitimately be classified as preaching. The article is posted here, in hopes that a wider discussion of these matters can be generated, toward the hope that in the end, better preaching might be result.

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