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A Walk Down Seminex Lane

I received this link to a fine assessment of the Seminex history afforded by an interview on the online Eric Renn show, with astute layman Eric LeFevre. It’s definitely worth a listen. It comes at an appropriate time, just about 50 years after the St. Louis walkout (in January 1974). And as he wrote to me, "it is very important that we pass this history on so that we can learn from mistakes.”

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The Sound of a Low Whisper

Churches that do not recognize the supernatural element of the Sacraments year for the transcendence of God made imminent in space and time. This is why we see the ginning up of emotion in non-liturgical, non-sacramental churches. Subjective emotion replaces the objective means of grace.

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Larry BeaneComment
Luther on the Tenth Leper

“As plain as it is, great is the example this Gospel presents to us. In the leper it teaches us faith, in Christ it teaches us love. Now, as I have often said, faith and love constitute the whole character of the Christian.

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Stefan Gramenz Comment
Reading the Bible according to God's Intent

Kudos to Concordia Journal Summer 2023 from CSL for showing us the Patristic view of narrative unity in the entirety of Scripture which reveals Christ as the heart of the Father for the salvation of the world as opposed to a more modern method that centers itself in the human author’s intent and the original audience. This article will simply summarize, link, and the offer a couple of secondary sources to supplement the overarching thesis of Dr. David Maxwell and Dr. Joel Elowsky.

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