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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Fred Lindemann on “The Feast of the Holy Trinity"

In this week’s Thinking Out Loud (Trinity Sunday), I had asked Fr. Petersen why John 3 had been the appointed Gospel for The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Not having readily available by memory this history of this feast, we embarked upon some sanctified speculation. An astute listener e-mailed me with the following from Fred Lindemann, in volume three of his The Sermon and the Propers:

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Guest Essay: "Male and Female Souls: On Ontological Difference"

The recent controversy over CPH’s new essays on the Large Catechism has caused some to ask whether it is appropriate for women to publicly teach official doctrine to the church. Some may argue directly from divine revelation to answer this question. Others might argue, from a sort of natural-law perspective informed by Scripture, that there is an ontological difference between men and women which makes it appropriate for men, but not women, to write the kind of essays newly attached to the catechism. Mark Preus’ recent article has jump-started the conversation on the first kind of argument; I would like to do the same thing for the second kind.

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En route to the Retractationes of an opinionated little old hobbit

As this old codger has reached the term of the Psalmist’s estimate of the normal span of a man’s life, he is wondering whether the time has come for him to put his pen to a burst of Retractationes. Bill Weinrich must be much more familiar with Augustine’s swan song than am I, but I remember Henry Chadwick pronouncing in his plummy tones how in this his literary au revoir the Bishop of Hippo and Doctor of Grace more often insisted that he was right than admitted being in the wrong.

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Guest Essay: On Women Writing Theology in the Church

The purpose of this essay is to strive for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, so that we might together humbly accept the Word of God on this matter, submit to it, and encourage each other to apply it to our congregations and synod, speaking the truth in love, lest the devil divide us by seducing us from the clear word of God.

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Vivant Carolus Rex et Camilla Regina!

My many friends and acquaintances will need no explanation for my getting up at 5:00 a.m. this past Saturday morning followed by Bonnie moments later, the two of us thereafter glued to the television (while thirstily downing a pot of tea) for a good four hours, I till taking off for the St Catharines Downtown Market, she through the balcony appearance of King Charles and Queen Camilla.

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