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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Vivant Carolus Rex et Camilla Regina!

My many friends and acquaintances will need no explanation for my getting up at 5:00 a.m. this past Saturday morning followed by Bonnie moments later, the two of us thereafter glued to the television (while thirstily downing a pot of tea) for a good four hours, I till taking off for the St Catharines Downtown Market, she through the balcony appearance of King Charles and Queen Camilla.

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On the Children's Sermon

I’m amazed that there are still people out there who think that by adding some fad element to the liturgy, we can “grow the church” by “attracting the youth.” One of the worst of such techniques is the “children’s sermon” - sometimes euphemistically called the “children’s message.”

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Serious Injury? Serious Attorney.

I don’t know the attorney on this billboard - which is a few blocks from my house, as is his rather large law office. But I have heard good things about him, and he gets high ratings online. I’m not typically a fan of attorney billboards, but I like this one.

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Larry Beane Comments
The Resurrection and the Life by the Way of the Cross

Now it is that death itself suffers an intrusion, and its own violence is turned back upon its head, because Life Himself has entered in where He had no need to go. His own Love compels Him, nothing else. Here He befriends the whole world of sinful mortal men at their worst and most helpless. He does not intervene to spare His friends from the pain of death, but He approaches death in the Flesh, in order to reconcile the world to His God and Father. He invades the tomb in order to empty it, to raise the dead and give them Life and bring them to God in faith and love.

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2023 St. Mark's Conference

The Saint Mark’s Conference concerns the confessional, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church of the Augsburg Confession. It is hosted by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Maryland and is open to interested clergy and lay persons.

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Burnell EckardtComment