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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Food for Thought

Now that our debt has been fully repaid, Jesus calls us to come to the tree of his cross and feast on the perfect fruit of his body. This fruit is no longer withheld but is offered each week in the bread and wine of the Lord’s Table.

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Jason BraatenComment
Reminiscere: Human and Divine

At this Sunday’s Eucharist the Church calls upon Almighty God to ‘Remember Thy great mercy and love, for they have been from of old.’ But while our Maker may be relied upon to reminiscere His chesed, His fallen creatures suffer from short-term memory with respect to the doings of this perishing age.

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Missional Musings

Often our critics complain that the Gottesdienst blog and podcast are “out of our lane,” that we are somehow breaking the eleventh commandment by commenting on things that are not strictly speaking, things liturgical.

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Larry Beane Comments