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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Lenten Weekday Masses

Lent has a character all its own: it has not only mass readings assigned for every Wednesday and Friday, as well as this week’s Ember Days, but a full set of mass propers for every single day from Ash Wednesday until the Resurrection of Our Lord. To put this in perspective, in our current books, we have the full mass propers for Ash Wednesday, for the Sundays in Lent, and for each day of Holy Week - but all of this comprises less than one third of the totality of Lenten mass propers.

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We are beggars, that is true. Kyrie, eleison!

It is the Word of Jesus on His way to the Cross that defends you against those false and misleading voices of doubt and despair. So faith persists in the confidence of His Word, which declares that He is close at hand. And His Cross has taught you to know and believe these two most basic facts: You need Him, who alone is able to help and save you; and He has come for you in divine love.

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The Eucharistic Martyrdom of St. Polycarp of Smyrna

With his confession of Christ Jesus, St. Polycarp blesses and glorifies the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and he gives thanks that he is considered worthy “to receive a portion in the number of the martyrs.” By way of his martyrdom, he enters into the Holy Communion of Christ the Crucified, into a participation in the Cross and Passion of Christ Jesus, unto the resurrection of eternal life in both body and soul.

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