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Update on the Suspension of Professor Schulz at CUW

If you haven’t kept track of the matter of the unjust suspension of Professor Gregory Schulz at Concordia University, Wisconsin, you can do so here and here. Professor Schulz has become a much needed whistleblower on the Woke ideology that has infected the campus, especially now with his revelation that among the criteria listed as items sought for in the selection of a new University President are that he be devoted to “equity and inclusion,” well-known watchwords of the Woke movement. We couldn’t agree more with Professor Schulz’s assessment and decision to bring this to light. In fact, it’s pretty much what he writes below in response to President Wille’s weak recommendation that he be restored with a “probationary status.” It seems South Wisconsin District President Wille wants to support him, which is helpful, but that his support is, shall we say, somewhat tepid, which is not helpful. Professor Schulz’s response to it is, in fact, exactly what I was already thinking about the unjust suspension itself, and interim President Cario’s invocation of Matthew 18.

This from Stephen Scaer of Nashua, NH, at Which is Truth: Update from the Rev/ Dr. Gregory Schulz.

Friends, SWD President John Wille was upset at me for posting Dr. Greg Schulz's claim that Rev. Dr. Wille proposed that CUW restore Schulz in a probationary status.

There are three problems with Pres Wille's reply.:

First, he is stuck on Matthew 18, whereas the relevant Scripture is 1 Timothy 5, "If an elder sins publicly, he must be rebuked publicly." The CUW admin and board are the elders whose allegiance to the anti-sacred-text religion of Wokeism is a public scandal. Everyone can see this in the university's online postings in the presidential search, as well as the bias reporting site, etc at

Second, he is ignoring the one-sided character of the situation. Although I am a poor miserable sinner, I have done nothing wrong. I believe I'm doing everything that a confessional Lutheran should do. I am fulfilling my obligation to confess as a called Lutheran pastor and professor. Confessional Lutheran pastor-professors con-fess, literally "speak in concord with" God's verbatim Word and the capital-T Truth.

Third, my District President has failed to support, or even to engage with, my published article! The real issue here is not actually the administration's unjust treatment of one of its professors for professing God's Word. The real issue is a theological issue, namely, Wokeness at Concordia -- exactly as thousands of confessional Lutheran pastors and Lutheran people of all walks of life, and other people of good will have been saying.

Finally, confidentiality is being invoked when there is no apparent reason to have confidence in the system. "Confidentiality" is not supposed to be utilized to make someone recant or to keep silent when there is professing and confessing to be done. Speaking for all of us who deeply appreciate your steadfastness,

Stephen, thank you, brother! 
You're welcome to post or share this however you see fit.
With you in the fellowship of His sufferings,

We respectfully ask that President Wille, who seems to be wanting to do the right thing, rethink his position on this, taking into account these salient points.