Not My Kind of Lutheran...
"In our churches Mass is celebrated every Sunday and on other festivals when the sacrament is offered to those who wish for it after they have been examined and absolved. We keep traditional liturgical forms, such as the order of the lessons, prayers, vestments, etc."
~ Apology 24:1
In the early days of Lutheran Satire (thirteen years ago), the Rev. Hans Fiene gave us an offering that deals with confusion between the ELCA and the LCMS, featuring the line, “That is not my kind of Lutheran.”
And now, with the Democratic nominee for Vice President being a “Lutheran” of the ELCA variety, we Lutherans are once again in the spotlight, and not in a good way. We have to explain that that is “not our kind of Lutheran,” that we are LCMS. We’re not the drag queen, alphabet-people, DEI, put-gay-porn-in-kindergarten, pronoun-wielding abortion “Lutherans.” And though we do have some radicals who push such things in our midst, for the most part, we aren’t that “kind of Lutheran.”
But what kind of Lutherans are we?
Do our pastors mangle the most sacred sacramental moment, and even put it online for all the world to see - and do so without consequence and with impunity no matter whom is scandalized? Do our preachers sermonize about video games - so that we are mocked across Christendom? If our leaders wonder why there are so many devout young Lutherans who are cynical and hyper-critical of the LCMS, here is their answer. Just how do they expect Lutherans who are serious about their faith to react to things like this?
Here is a little video excerpt. We often hear about the “preaching crisis” in the LCMS. Should we consider this to be a part of it?
So, dear reader, is this your kind of Lutheran?