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A Hymn for the Feast of the Dormition B.V.M.

Of the hymns I have written over the years, I am perhaps happiest about this one. I had composed the music for the sixth-century hymn “O Glorious King of Martyr Hosts” for which I added a couple of stanzas for the feast of the Martyrdom of John the Baptist, and I found it fitting for this hymn whose first six lyrics I wrote a year later. I then added stanza 7, which is a from John A. Riley’s (1906) hymn “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones." SDG

4 Serene He lies at Mary’s breast.
Who is Himself eternal Rest
O holy blest nativity,
How wondrous is this mystery! 

5 And in her motherhood we find
A pattern tranquil, meek, and kind
Reflected in her sorr’wing eyes,
The hope of heav’nly Paradise. 

6 To woman now is giv’n a place
Of honor, dignity and grace
She bears the Lord, so shall she be
Blest lady for eternity.

7 O higher than the cherubim
More glorious than the seraphim
Thou bearer of th’eternal Word
Most gracious, magnify the Lord. 

8 All glory to the Father be
All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,
Whom with the Spirit we adore
Forever and forevermore.  Amen.

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