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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Shelby Foote on Preaching?

I found these remarks by the notable writer Shelby Foote (1916-2005) to be somewhat analogous and applicable to preaching. After all, preaching is a form of writing, insofar as it requires preparation and thought, and is done by means of words woven together into a larger work of narrative - whether one preaches with a manuscript or not.

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Larry Beane Comment

It is often said that when the pope catches a cold, the Lutherans sneeze.

Most of these Romanizations are within the realm of Vatican II liturgical adiaphora, such as receiving communion in the hand while standing and going through a continuous reception line, the passing of the peace, the three-year lectionary, the freestanding altar, etc.

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Fifteen Theses on Excommunication

Excommunication is done so infrequently in our churches that it is possible for faithful leaders to bungle the process horribly, not through any malice, but simply for lack of experience and established procedure. Thus, I invite discussion on the following theses in order to promote the proper care of souls and to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

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