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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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The Leaven of 1517

Our current print issue takes a serious look at the current strain of ‘antinomianism’ in our midst, and in particular includes a critique of the 1517 organization. In the interest of a wider dissemination of our concerns, my Liturgical Observation column for the issue follows here.

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Burnell Eckardt Comments
The Danger of "Best Practices"

Gleaning, learning, and implementing “Best Practices” is not a bad thing in and of itself. It is a common approach to getting things done and leadership in the world of business, of project management, and in organizational leadership. What makes a practice “best” is that it leads to some kind of measurable better outcome.

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Larry Beane Comments
The King of Kings Debacle

Sometimes Gottesdienst gets criticized for complaining too much and too quickly, and not leaving enough leeway for district officials to handle trouble spots that pop up in the Missouri Synod. And we’re certainly willing to take constructive criticism, since we know how fallible we are, and that we sometimes can get things wrong, or make mistakes, and that we certainly have the capacity to be unfair. It’s always a good thing to be circumspect.

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A Place at the Table?

I recently heard a talk by an LCMS presenter… mention in a talk that in our current day and age, Christians “no longer have a place at the table,” and he said that we should thank God for that. His remark was cheered.

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Larry Beane Comments
A Walk Down Seminex Lane

I received this link to a fine assessment of the Seminex history afforded by an interview on the online Eric Renn show, with astute layman Eric LeFevre. It’s definitely worth a listen. It comes at an appropriate time, just about 50 years after the St. Louis walkout (in January 1974). And as he wrote to me, "it is very important that we pass this history on so that we can learn from mistakes.”

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