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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Out of Order

When you see an “Out of Order” sign posted, you know that something doesn’t work. It’s broken. It could be that it simply needs a new part or component, and supplying it puts things back into working order. It could be that it needs to be filled with something—fuel or lubricant for an engine or product for a vending machine—and supplying that which is lacking puts it back into working order. In this way, out of order indicates a static and inactive thing. It’s broken, so it just sits there, until someone does something to fix it.

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Fr. Anthony Installed as Headmaster of Bethlehem Lutheran School, Ossian, Indiana

Your heavenly Father has ordered His creation in love for the preservation of His creatures in both body and soul. In the diversity of calls and the particularities of one’s station in life God is at work for the good of the world, even when you do not see it, even when we may see quite the opposite. No matter the seeming insignificance that one may feel in their place in life, no matter the short-comings and weaknesses that beset us, we are His creatures and it is our duty to thank, praise, serve, and obey Him.

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Rick Stuckwisch Comments
Restoring Confession and Absolution in the LCMS

The clergy need to lead the way to confessional renewal and spiritual health by practicing confession and absolution.

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On Art, Beauty, and Culture

How do we find the way back to the thing that so many people long for, which is the vision of beauty? What I mean is not some saccharine, Christmas-card image of human life, but rather the elementary ways in which ideals and decencies enter our ordinary world and make themselves known, as love and charity make themselves known in Mozart’s music.

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Rick Stuckwisch Comments