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Super Winkel! Jan 16 2023 Ft. Wayne

This is a common game for rock aficionados. Who would you put in your own fantasy supergroup? We aren’t playing that game and it isn’t a fantasy. Even better! On Monday January 16, 2023, the Monday before the CTS Symposia begins, Gottesdienst is holding a kind of “Super Winkel.” We aren’t able to get Leo the Great or Martin Luther here. Maybe we can’t even get your best friend or favorite living theologians, but it will be a Winkel filled with the Gottesdienst Crowd,. You are invited. This your own crowd, a crowd of like-minded confessional, liturgical, Bible-loving men. Several of the editors will be here also. We will spend the day at Redeemer in Ft. Wayne taking a look at some of the upcoming pericopes from the Historic Lectionary, do a bit of casuistry, and likely get a singing lesson. We will also simply enjoy one another’s company. We will order pizza for lunch and host a Gemütlichkeit that evening. You can come and go as you need and there is no need to RSVP. Matins is at 8:30 am with the school. Our study will begin at 9:30 am. The Gemütlichkeit will run from 7pm-9pm.

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