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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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On Chapels and Geese: The Feast of St. Martin of Tours

The story of the West is inextricably tied up with the story of the Christian Church and of her saints. Investigations and inquiries into the most seemingly commonplace phrases or events tend to unearth, somewhere along the way, a link with this Christian past. St. Martin of Tours is, perhaps, one of the most striking examples of this, with his life and legends providing not only an example to the Church, but also influencing our public holidays, language, and even diet to this day.

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Stefan Gramenz Comments
Jesus Is a Friend of Yours

Here within His Church all your sins are freely and fully forgiven. Here you are safe, and here you are loved by God Himself in the Flesh. Here you are fed with the good Fruits of His Cross. Here you are given the Life of your dear Lord Jesus Christ. And though you do not yet see Him, what is now revealed to you by the Gospel, under the Cross, shall be openly revealed in the Glory of His Resurrection at the last, when your faith and life in Christ Jesus will be shown to be more precious than gold. As it was for St. Simon and St. Jude and all the Holy Apostles, so it is for you and all the friends of Jesus, and so shall it be for you and all the faithful, forever and forevermore.

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