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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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A Lament for Laetare’s Collect

It is our pastor’s custom to pray the collect of the day with the assisting minister(s) and acolyte(s) before we head back for the entrance procession. And so he prayed the one LSB (and I believe LW) appointed for Laetare. And as he prayed, a nagging suspicion grew in my mind.

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On Liturgy and hymns

How does the historic liturgy which presents the very Son of God in Word and Sacrament leave room for the breadth, beauty, and emotion of Lutheran hymnody? For example, with the Son of God being truly present in His own Body and Blood at the Table for His saints, how is it possible for those present to be able to do anything other than kneel in His presence, receive His gracious gifts, and again kneel to pour out their hearts, thank, praise, and adore Him?

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A Preaching Renewal

Whenever anyone said anything about the need for a liturgical renewal in the Missouri Synod to the sainted Dr. Charles Evanson, he would quip that Von Shenck always said there was no sense in having a liturgical renewal until we had a preaching renewal. This post tries to imagine what that would like.

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Faithfulness in a "Changing" Church

All of us have struggled during these last twelve months in one way or another. In addition to uncertainty in the early days surrounding the virus, we’ve faced a great political divide and riots through the streets. The one place people go to find peace was ordered to be shut down by overreaching state and local governments. Many churches obliged. Some pushed back.

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John Bussman Comments