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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Nos Non Abolere Missam

When people really, really want something that violates Scripture or the Confessions, they become desperate to gainsay the passages that they don’t want to submit to. They find clever ways to work around them.

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Larry BeaneComment
Seminaries and the Early Church

Our Lord called twelve apostles, and when they followed, they left behind fishing nets and tax collector booths. He continued to call some 70 disciples who left behind not only jobs, but families in order to pursue the Holy Ministry. The Twelve spent a full three years with the greatest teacher, setting a pattern for vigorous education.

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In the big picture, a Capital-M Mission is a reason for being, a purpose. It is the “why” of any organization or entity. For many decades, corporations have been expected to have a “mission statement.” But in the church, a Small-M mission is some kind of outreach. A church’s Small-M mission might be to run a school, a VBS, Lenten fish frys, a consignment shop, a coffeehouse, or maybe supporting a preaching station intended to become a daughter congregation.

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Larry Beane Comments
St. Adalina+ of Siberia

Many families were separated back then, for example, a father could be sent into a concentration camp, and a mother and children could simply be brought to some remote village and thrown out of the truck, and then their lives would depend on the hospitality of the locals. But Adalina was lucky: in the late 1940s, her parents were able to find each other.

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The Sign of the Cross

In our age, when someone is said to be “going through the motions” it is not meant as a compliment. For people like to think that they are being genuine and truthful and spiritual only when they rise above the merely physical. And so it is especially fortunate that one of the most basic and common examples in all of the rich storehouse of the tradition of Christian prayer is a prayer which requires the Christian to go through the motions.

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