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Throwback Thursday: "My Dear Wormwood"

[Note: This was originally published March 28, 2019. ~ Ed.]

My Dear Wormwood,

I just ran across this post of a meme (above) by a Missouri Synod pastor - and our Father Below is most pleased!

The LCMS is a tough “nut to crack” - as the filthy humans are wont to turn the phrase - but we are seeing some delightful improvements in the midst of this holdout. Of course, the Lowerarchy is most impressed by the delightfully fetid Congregations Matter for obvious reasons. We have had mixed success with such laudable covens as Daystar, Ordain Women Now in the LCMS, Renewal in Missouri (requiestcat in chaos), You-Know-Who First (requiescat in chaos), and a few others working to chip away the stone.

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