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St. Francis of Assisi

Note: Our LSB sanctoral calendar doesn’t recognize St. Francis of Assisi - unlike the rest of Western Christendom. Conversely, there is no entry in the Treasury of Daily Prayer summarizing his life and work. So I wrote my own for use at Matins today (see below). Additionally, here is a link to my devotion for today.

Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) was born into wealth and nobility.  After an encounter with a beggar, he renounced his wealth to serve the poor.  He founded a religious order that bears his name to this very day, and Francis worked personally with the poor and with lepers.  He called the wealthy church hierarchy to reform, and his order – though critical of the church leadership – was recognized.

 Francis was also a missionary and a preacher.  He tried to end the bloodshed of the Fifth Crusade by meeting personally with the Sultan, seeking to convert him.  Francis received permission for Christians to be in the Holy Land that was, at the time, controlled by Muslims.

 St. Francis also started the custom of the “live nativity” at Christmas, and is credited with popularizing the devotion known as the Stations of the Cross.  While much of his life is clouded by legend, the Lutheran confessions refer to the real St. Francis as a “holy father” and a “holy man.”

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