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A Necessary Clarification

Sometimes we err in making unguarded statements because they are misleading. I have learned that this was the case with my most recent article regarding evangelism. Judging from some of the honest feedback I have received, I regret my comments which might reasonably be understood to discourage evangelism and criticize LCMS evangelism writ large. That was certainly not my intention, so I must conclude that my unguarded, generalized comments are in need of clarification. I regret that I gave a false impression.

While it is true, as I have maintained, that evangelism can sometimes devolve into something that is fundamentally at odds with the Gospel, it is also true that the joy of sharing of the faith with one’s neighbors ought never to be discouraged. On the contrary, the beauty of the Gospel and the joy it kindles in the hearts of Christian people can only result in their eagerness to show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). The LCMS has a well-earned reputation for encouraging each to speak the faith to his neighbor and to invite him to church to hear the pastor preach the Gospel in its fullness.

Christ has redeemed the world from sin and death, and we have learned that wondrous truth by the grace of Almighty God. The knowledge of that not only ought not, but cannot be held under a bushel, as Jesus has said. We may tend to become amused at the simplicity of children singing “This little Gospel light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,” but we dare not discourage them from having such sentiments, and will even do well to seek to become like them. For their angels behold the face of Jesus’ Father in heaven.

Burnell Eckardt1 Comment