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Acquitted on Appeal!

We thank God for the second unanimous acquittal today for Bishop Juhana Pohjola and Dr. Päivi Räsänen. They were first arrested and investigated for “hate crimes” in 2019, charged in 2021 “under a chapter of Finnish law which criminalizes ‘war crimes and crimes against humanity’ and each charge can result in a prison sentence up to two years,” and put on trial in 2022. In March of that year, both were unanimously acquitted by a three-panel judge (with the prosecution ordered to pay all legal fees). In the Finnish justice system, the prosecution can appeal a not guilty verdict, which they did. And today, they have been re-acquitted unanimously by the appeals court.

We commend Bishop Pohjola and Dr. Räsänen (both of whom are recipients of the Sabre of Boldness, 2009 and 2022 respectively) for their steadfastness of confession. Bishop Pohjola is a Lutheran priest and bishop of the Evangelical Mission Diocese of Finland (having previously been defrocked by the state church). Dr. Räsänen is a Lutheran pastor’s wife, a mother of five, a member of parliament, a former Minister of the Interior of Finland, and a pro-life medical doctor.

Please continue to pray, as the prosecution is threatening to appeal again to the Finnish Supreme Court. And even if the Supreme Court were to acquit them a third time, they could be placed in triple jeopardy with yet another appeal to the European Union.

Meanwhile, we rejoice in God’s mercy and in the truth of God’s Word being promulgated even in the hostile media because of this cross these two faithful Christians have been called and entrusted to bear. Let us continue to pray for the people of Finland, and for the conversion of those in the government who are, like Saul of Damascus, in blindness and rage, persecuting peaceful and faithful Christians for their biblical confession.

Here is the announcement from the International Lutheran Council.

Larry Beane2 Comments