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St. Michael Liturgical Conference - Monday, September 26 at Zion Detroit

We’re Back! Covidmania prevented meeting in 2020. A regional flood prevented meeting in 2021. Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Detroit is pleased to announce that the St. Michael Liturgical Conference will be held this year on Monday, September 26. This Twenty Third annual St. Michael Liturgical Conference will focus on the liturgical expression of the Holy Gospel in its preached and concrete forms. The Conference theme is “Preaching & the Word of God”

Keynote Address: 

“Preaching & the Word of God: The Sermon as a Sacramental Attribute of the

New Testament” - The Reverend Dr. Burnell Eckardt 

Q & A with Fr. Eckardt & Panel Discussion -  Fr. Mark Braden, will facilitate a Q & A period during which conference attendees can interact with Fr. Eckardt on his keynote presentation.  A Panel Discussion by this years’ presenters, joined by several distinguished guests and select Gottesdienst editors, will follow.  

Short Papers:  The Eucharistic Prayers; The Minor Orders; The Lutheran Missal

   Fr. McClean will explore the Eucharistic Prayers of Fr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn, and discuss their use today.

   Fr. Spittel will explain the Minor Orders of the ancient Western Church, and discuss their contemporary application  in a Confessional Lutheran setting.

   Fr. Stefan Gramenz and Fr. Evan Scamman will present on their work towards creating a Lutheran Missal.  They will discuss their historic research, and provide an overview of the Propers and liturgical observances included in the Missal.

 The Rev. Dr. David Petersen, Pastor of Redeemer Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Fort Wayne, will serve as Conference Preacher.


The Reverend Dr. Burnell Eckardt is Pastor of St. Paul’s Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Kewanee, Illinois.  He received the Ph.D. from Marquette University and the S.T.M. from Concordia Theological Seminary.  Fr. Eckardt is the General Editor of Gottesdienst: The Journal of the Lutheran Liturgy, and author of Every Day Will I Bless Thee: Meditations for the Daily Office; The New Testament in His Blood: A Study of the Holy Liturgy of the Christian Church; The Lutheran Propers, and Leave It Alone. You’ll Break It: Liturgical Observations.

The Reverend Fr. Charles McClean serves as Pastor of Our Savior Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Baltimore, Maryland.  A graduate of Concordia Senior College, Fort Wayne, he received his M. Div. and S.T.M. from Concordia Seminary. He is the author of The Conduct of the Services, and host of the annual St. Mark’s Conference. He recently celebrated his 50th anniversary of Ordination.

The Reverend Dr. Douglas Spittel is Senior Pastor of First Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He received the D. Min degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and the M. Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary.    In addition to over 24 years of Pastoral Ministry at First Trinity, Fr. Spittel planted the Holy Cross  Evangelical-Lutheran Mission in Pittsburgh, and regularly serves as Pastor there.  Prior to his years in Pittsburgh, Fr. Spittel served as Pastor of John Huss Evangelical-Lutheran Church  in Arnold, Pennsylvania.   

Fr. Stefan Gramenz is the Pastor of Christ the King Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Pawling, New York.  He received his MDiv from Concordia Theological Seminary.

Fr. Evan Scamman is the Pastor of St. Paul Evangelical-Lutheran Church, Greenwich, Connecticut. He received his MDiv from Concordia Theological Seminary.  He, together with Fr. Gramenz, is engaged in the creation of a Lutheran Missal.


Registration is $40 before September 15th. After that the registration fee is $50.  Registration includes the cost of the conference, distribution materials, breaks, lunch, and the Gemütlichkeit.  Registration for Seminary and pre-Seminary students is free before September 15.  Online registration is available at


8:15 a.m.          Registration

9:00 a.m.          Holy Communion

10:45 a.m.        Keynote Address

12:00 p.m.       Sext

12:15 p.m.       Luncheon

                        Greetings from our Bishop

1:15 p.m.         Q & A and Panel Discussion

2:15 p.m.         Break

2:30 p.m.         Organ Recital

3:00 p.m.         Workshops

4:45 p.m.         Solemn Vespers

 till 7:00 p.m.   Gemütlichkeit


Zion is located at 4305 Military in southwest Detroit, Michigan.  The church is one block east of Livernois,  just north of Michigan Avenue. Secure parking is provided in the lot across the street from the church.

   From I-94 take exit 212 (Livernois).  Turn right (south) to Buchanan.  Go left on Buchanan one block to Military.  Turn right.

   From I-75 take exit 46 (Livernois).  Cross Livernois to Dragoon.  Turn left (north) on Dragoon.  Cross Michigan Avenue to Buchanan.  Turn right onto Buchanan one block to Military.  Turn right.

Fr. Mark BradenComment