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A Walther League for the 21st Century?

Here is an interesting article - albeit biased - that includes a brief history of the rise and fall of the Walther League. Of course, like all of our institutions, it was eventually infiltrated by the woke termites of Socialist decadence and social decay. And the once-formidable institution that brought innumerable Lutheran young men and women together - resulting in godly marriages and beautiful Lutheran families - was destroyed from within and simply fell apart.

Gramsci would be proud.

In the aftermath of the decades following the demise of the Walther League, there is today a great need for some way for Lutheran young people to meet for the purposes of finding godly spouses.

In my own parochial paradigm of serving in a heavily Roman Catholic culture, it has been a pattern dating back at least a hundred years that many Lutherans marry Roman Catholics - and essentially surrender their parental rights to raise their children in their own faith. It almost never goes the other way. Roman Catholics take the long, generational view, while we Lutherans have lost our compass (see the above seal of the Walther League) in that regard. Many of the once-prominent family names in the history of my congregation are simply gone, generational victims of the aggressive Romanization that filled the vacuum left by the end of institutions like the Walther League.

Once again, we were caught flat-footed.

Today, there are numerous twentysomething confessional Lutherans who are frustrated with their inability to find marriageable members of the opposite sex that share their commitment to the Bible, the Confessions, and the Liturgy.

I wonder if there is a way to reboot the Walther League - or something like it - as an antidote to both our generational losses and the Woke Incursion into the Church.