Stand Up for CUW Professor: Gregory Schulz
There is a petition circling to help Rev. Dr. Gregory Schulz after being canceled by the Administration for highlighting the issues of CRT that are going on at Concordia University Wisconsin as they seek a new president. You can read the background of this at Steadfast Lutherans. Please consider signing it.
Here’s a link:
Below is the description by the petition’s author:
“Dear Concordia Interim President Dr. William Cario and Chairman of the Board of Regents Mr. Richard Laabs:
We respectfully urge you to:
Rescind and repent of your suspension of Professor Rev. Gregory Schultz, Ph.D for discussing how Christian values have been subordinated to the doctrine of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in your board of regent’s search for a University President.
Consider Dr. Schultz’s warning that: “When our BoR committees announce their intentions to install a president who exhibits a “demonstrated belief in and commitment to equity and inclusion” and promotes racialized “diversity in all its myriad forms,” they are announcing their plan to disrupt the authority of the biblical text and in this way to transform our university from an institution of Lutheran higher education to … who knows what.”
Take to heart Dr. Schultz’s recommendations in choosing a Christian university president:
”The next president must believe in and have a demonstrated commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.”
”He must be a pastor-professor with an exceptional, longstanding spiritual and intellectual / academic record of ministry and leadership in concord with his belief in and commitment to the Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.”
”He must be a pastor-professor of substantial moral authority on the basis of his commitment to bringing Christ, the Lord of Sabbath-rest to students, to faculty, to the Concordia community, and to all restless people of the world whom we can reach — this via the means that Christ has instituted and commended to us for the work of teaching in a world largely in rebellion against God’s authority and thus disquieted, dysphoric, and in need of a genuinely higher education: education in the Way, the Truth, and the Life incarnate.””