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The Feast of Candlemas (the Presentation of our Lord and the Purification of Mary) is always set on February 2nd. It is a First Class Feast of our Lord.

Traditionally, hand-candles are used twice in this service. First, in an opening procession, while singing the Nunc Dimittis (the song of Simeon). Second, when the Sacrament is consecrated.

The declaration by the priest Simeon of the Christ Child as a Light to lighten the Gentiles is the reason for the ceremonial use of candles at this Mass.  The use of these lights in connection with the Blessed Sacrament emphasizes the analogy of Simeon’s jubilation on receiving the Child with our own reception of Christ at the altar. 

The name of this Feast, Candlemas, also subtly provides a link to the Feast from which it springs, that great feast of forty days earlier, namely Christmas.

At St. Paul’s in Kewanee, a simple ceremony is kept as follows.

The clergy and attendants enter from the vestry.

The Blessing of Candles

V: The Lord be with you.

R: And with thy spirit.

Let us pray. O Lord Jesus Christ, the true Light who dost illumine everyone who cometh into the world: we beseech Thee to pour out Thy bless + ing on these and all the church’s candles, and sanc + tify them with the light of Thy grace; and mercifully grant that even as their flame scatters the darkness of night; so our hearts, being inflamed with the inward brightness of Thy Holy Spirit: may be delivered from all blindness of iniquity; and that the eyes of our souls may clearly perceive that which is well-pleasing in Thy sight and profitable for our salvation; and that finally after the darkness and dangers of this world are passed, we may come the never-failing Light, through Thee, O blessed Jesus, Redeemer of the world: who livest and reignest in union with the Blessed Trinity; ever one God, world without end.

R: Amen

O Lord Jesus Christ, who appearedst among men in the substance of our flesh, and on this day wast presented by Mary and Joseph in the temple, and whom the venerable Simeon, being enlightened by the light of Thy Spirit, knew and blessed by taking Thee in his arms: mercifully grant that the grace of the same Holy Spirit may also enlighten and instruct us; so that we may confess Thee truly and love Thee faithfully, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost: ever one God, world without end.

R: Amen

The candles may be blessed with incense.

The candles are distributed.

The candles are lit.

The Procession is made from the pews to the front, where reverence toward the altar is made, and congregants return to their pews. During the Procession, the Nunc Dimittis is sung by choir or congregation: Lord, now lettest . . .

Following the procession, the Concluding Collect is said:

V: The Lord be with you.

R: And with thy spirit.

Let us pray. Lord God, heavenly Father, who hast given Thy Son to be our Savior, a Light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of Thy  people Israel: we beseech Thee, enlighten our hearts that we may know Thy grace and Fatherly will toward us; and obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord; who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost: ever one God, world without end.

R; Amen  

After this rite, the Introit follows directly.

The hand-candles are re-lit just prior to the Preface, and extinguished following the Consecration.

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