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Good Shepherd, Shelter Now Your Sheep
Revd Kurt E. Reinhardt
Trinity Lutheran Church, Kurtzville ON

Good Shepherd, shelter now Your sheep
In Your almighty shadow.
In all trial we pray You keep
Them on the way that’s narrow.

 For in the darkness Satan prowls
Trust to devour up with woes;
Their faith with anxious thoughts he fouls
At midnight’s hour in their souls

Let no fear take them from Your side
To seek some other shelter;
There is no safer place to hide
Then in Your grace’s pasture.

 Lord keep them trusting day by day
In Your love’s care unwav’ring.
Their eyes fix on You all the way
Safe past the lion’s roaring.

 Good Shepherd, shelter now Your sheep
In Your almighty shadow,
That in peace they may lie and sleep - 
and wake with You to follow.

 (87 87)

Click on the audio link below to hear Pr Reinhardt’s 20 year-old daughter Beatrice sing her father’s poetic response to the unprecedented situation brought about by the Covid-19 crisis. JRS

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