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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Audio of Blog Posts

We’re trying something new to see how it goes. You’ve all seen those posts where the scroll bar is so short you know you need some time to sit down and focus on it. Often our immediate reaction is TLDR.

So, since we have all the equipment and all the ability to post it, we’re going to start giving an audio version of select blog posts that are longer. Let us know, if you end up liking this feature, and we’ll keep doing it. If it’s a total bomb we’ll stop. But we thought we’d give it try.

The audio version will be posted from the podcast’s channel, but the link and player for that blog reading will be embedded in the blog post itself and not on the podcast page. They’ll all be read by me. So if you can’t stand my voice, sorry. It’s better, I hope, than the automated version you can find on some blogs. You should see it at the very top of each blog post we record.