Attn: Indianapolis area readers — Gottesdienst

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Attn: Indianapolis area readers

Father Seth Mierow passes this along for Gottesdienst readers in the Indianapolis area.

And you folks in Indianapolis: it's just a short drive to Chicago for the May 1st Gottesdienst Conference at St. Paul in Brookfield. 


Rev Dr Al Collver and Fr Joshua Gale will present at the Premiere Diakonia Conference in
Indianapolis on Sunday, 15 April, 2012 at 3p. Each will present concerning confessional
Lutheran mercy. Fr. Collver will speak to the exegetical foundation of the Church’s life of
mercy. Fr. Gale will show how Lutheran doctrine and practice coincide in mercy endeavors in
the tough city streets of inner-city Philadelphia. The conference is FREE and open to clergy and
lay alike. It is scheduled to last 3 hours, but both presenters have confirmed they will remain for
as long as necessary to answer questions. The venue is Lutheran High School of Indianapolis,
5555 S. Arlington Ave 46237. Bulletin inserts can be found at the IN District website. Contact
Fr. Seth Mierow for more information:

Heath CurtisComment