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What seminaries are for

A couple of good things from the seminaries lately.

First, since CTQ started getting caught up about a year and a half ago, the issues have been amazing. The last two are especially wonderful. I want to read each and every article and just don't have the time. I'm in the midst of Prof. Ziegler on Eduard Preuss right now - very good stuff. I wish I could also recommend CJ from CSL, but, alas, my alma mater's journal has not been up to to CTQ's snuff. I point this out in the Pauline hope that a little jealously will spur on my own people.

Second, CSL has produced what looks to be a great look at the Gospel of Mark. This is geared toward the Vatican II lectionary Year B, Mark's year, but nevertheless sounds like a very insightful look at this Gospel. Since I'm a Historic Lectionary guy it will be better for me in Bible Class, but still very good. BUT THEY ARE CHARGING $50 FOR IT! Revera, Alma Mater? I hope that they are following the model where you have to pay for brand new content, but after a year or so it shows up free. Let's hope.


Heath Curtis12 Comments