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Give Thanks with a Gift to the Finns

Think of all the troubles you have in the parish - that guy on the board who has never liked you; that gal who digs in her heels every time you talk about God's plan for a male ministerium; the folks who threw a loud fit in the narthex when you wouldn't commune them; add your own here ___________.

Now imagine that on top of all that, you could be taken to criminal or civil court for your stance on some of these issues and have your livelihood drained away from you through the soft tyranny of legal fees. That is what our brothers in Finland are dealing with right now as we noted in this space recently.

Thanksgiving and Advent are coming up - maybe you have not yet decided where to give part of your annual thank offering or alms. Here's a suggestion: donate to the Finn's "fighting fund" so that faithful pastors can pay their legal fees in fighting for Biblical Christianity.

I wish I could just post a PayPal button - but I'm afraid it's a little more complicated than that. You will have to ask your bank to make a wire transfer. If you have online banking, you might be able to use your bill pay option - but call your bank first. The information is below in a letter from Rev. Dr. Timo Laato, which he gave me permission to post here. - +HRC

Dear Rev. Curtis,

I have discussed with the representative of our lawyer. It would be possible to pay into our bank account using the official and international bank codes.

The name of our "fighting fund" is:
Siionin Onni ry
The international bank account is:
IBAN FI79 5285 0820 0647 44
The international bank code (= the name of the bank)

I think, this would work well. The money will reach us. I will in the future give you a document how we have used the money in our fight for the Lutheran practice.

Indeed, it is very encouraging that you have taken contact with us. I could not imagine that an "unknown" person from America would know something about us. We are very grateful for your support.

Pax tecum.



Heath CurtisComment