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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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On the Marriage of Priests

To prohibit marriage, and to burden the divine order of priests with perpetual celibacy, they have had neither authority nor right [they have done out of malice, without any honest reason], but have acted like antichristian, tyrannical, desperate scoundrels…

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Guest AuthorComment
From the Archives: Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide

As Lutherans, we understand that a very important part of transmitting the true faith from generation to generation is the use of good hymnody. The hymns we sing are not just meant to give us an emotional high. They are there to teach us to pray and to strengthen faith by the Word of Christ. Only the Word of Christ can preserve the sheep of His flock, and the power of that Word is to be properly teamed with the power of good and thoughtful music.

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Karl FabriziusComment