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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Sources of Western Culture

I think it’s a fairly common occurrence for anyone who has spent a great deal of time and energy in a particular field — any field, really — to wonder, after a while, if he has really just been wasting his time. When you focus intently on something so seemingly minute for so long, it can be quite difficult to see how it fits into the broader world and the wider scope of reality.

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Stefan Gramenz Comments
The Sons of this World are More Shrewd . . . .

In light of the Gospel reading from the One-Year Lectionary for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity on the parable of the Unjust Steward, I offer a few paragraphs from John Schaller’s “The Battle for the Christian School as a Battle for the Christian Worldview,” published in Theologische Quartelschrift, Vol 7, 1910, 204—221.

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