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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Liturgical Supremacy

Although this is not an editorial, I think I do speak on behalf of our editors in saying that we are Liturgical Supremacists. We believe in the inherent superiority of the traditional liturgy over and against “contemporary worship,” all its works, and all its ways.

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Larry Beane Comments
The Sum of the Commandment

The chief article of our doctrine must come to our help, namely, that our Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent into the world by the Father, suffered and died for us and thereby reconciled and moved the Father to grace, and now sits at the right hand of the Father, pleading our cause as our Savior and as our constant Mediator and Intercessor interceding for us who can not of ourselves have or obtain this perfect purity and good conscience. Therefore through Him we can say before God: Although I am not pure and cannot have a good conscience, yet I cleave to Him who possesses perfect purity and good conscience and offers them for me, indeed, gives them to me.

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Man the Lifeboats!

Until recently, I viewed the LCMS as a large lifeboat. Indeed, our church body was one of the few where the church was confronted by a full-scale invasion of liberal ideology, faced it down, defeated it, and kicked it to the curb.

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Does God Contradict Himself? By Noah Hahn

Guest Essay by Noah Hahn: Does God Contradict Himself?

It is sometimes suggested by Lutherans that God contradicts Himself. This is probably because many Lutherans enjoy focusing on various tensions in the Christian life, such as the tension between Law and Gospel, or the tension between the revealed and the hidden God. But there are two problems with suggesting that these tensions amount to genuine contradictions.

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