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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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And for the rest of the story…

In the preface to his Theses on Church and Office, Dr. Walther noted that he was not attempting to cover the whole of the topic. For that, he simply referred his readers to the exhaustive treatment which Chemnitz and Gerhard had already done. Anyone who wishes may in their writings find the full doctrine of our Church on the matter.

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Bright Valley of Love - A Book Review

My wife and I took turns reading chapters of this book to each other and, at the time, we were eagerly awaiting the birth of our first child. There were multiple occasions when the reading had to pause, because tears were welling up in our eyes and our voices were failing to get the words out. We would have to stop, and look at each other, and smile, and maybe even laugh a little. It wasn’t mere sadness making us tear up. It was love—love for each other, love for our baby in the womb, love for the people in this story. It was love for the beauty of the Gospel and joy in God’s gift of life.

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Little Children...

let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18. You can read more about them, the crosses they bear, and give right here.

Pastor Travis Loeslie has been diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease, a progressive brain disorder.

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Ben Ball Comment
On Repentance…

What is repentance? Obviously the word has both a broad and narrow sense in the Sacred Scriptures, but there is no place where its narrow and proper definition is stated more clearly and succinctly than in Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration V:8:

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