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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Closed Communion and Racism

In a public YouTube clip, he makes the claim that he has been denied the Lord’s Supper in Lutheran - presumably LCMS - churches, being prohibited from the Eucharist by Lutheran pastors, because he is black, and that this scenario has played out twenty times. He claims to know that this was done because of “racism” on the part of the celebrant in each of these incidents.

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Larry Beane Comments
One Holy Contextual and Apostolic Church?

To put the best construction on this, its context must be presented as an ironic misunderstanding that many people have regarding our Lutheran confession of faith: that it is provincial, it is for rubes in flyover country, and it must be altered to fit a more sophisticated, progressive culture as found on the coasts.

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Larry Beane Comments
We Make Our Beginning? Say What?

A reader recently sent me a note worthy of considering. He wondered whether we have addressed the matter of opening the Divine Service with the words, “Remembering our Baptism, we make our beginning in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

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On the Benefits and Significance of Tradition

The important social traditions are not just arbitrary customs, which might or might not have survived into the modern world. They are forms of knowledge. They contain the residues of many trials and errors, as people attempt to adjust their conduct to the conduct of others. They exist because they provide necessary information, without which a society may not be able to reproduce itself. Destroy them heedlessly and you remove the guarantee offered by one generation to the next.

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I Couldn't Resist

Normally it’s expected of our friend and compatriot Larry Beane to post on our website examples of outrageous and ridiculous things that provide further evidence of the need for Gottesdienst.

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