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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Proclaiming the Grace of God in Christ Jesus

For our sins, says the Apostle, we had pierced ourselves with ten thousand evils and deserved the gravest punishment; and not only did the Law not deliver us, but it even condemned us, making sin more manifest, without the power to release us from it or to stay the anger of God. But the Son of God made this impossibility possible, for He remitted our sins, He restored us from enmity to the condition of friends, and He freely bestowed on us numberless other blessings.

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Rick Stuckwisch Comment
By the Ministry of the Word of Christ Jesus

The pastors and confessors of Christ Jesus bear and suffer His Cross in their body and life, as surely as they proclaim His Cross in their preaching and distribute the fruits of His Sacrifice by the Ministry of His Gospel. And they are content with the food and drink, the clothing and shelter that God provides through His people — just as the Lord also feeds His people and quenches their thirst with His Holy Supper, clothes them with His righteousness in Holy Baptism, and shelters them within His Church on earth through the labors of His called and ordained servants.

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I have heard from brother pastors that there are still resistors to every-Sunday communion. One of their ploys is to suggest Matins be used instead of the Divine Service on certain weeks in the month.

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Larry Beane Comments
The Epiphany of Our Lord

On January 6th, the Church celebrated the Epiphany of Our Lord, remembering in particular the visit of the Magi. As many of you may know, the visit of the Magi is only one of several events that has historically been connected with the celebration of the Epiphany. One particularly beautiful example of liturgical composition is the Benedictus antiphon for the morning of January 6th:

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Stefan GramenzComment