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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Sticking with Family Devotions Sans Children

When I had children at home, we were quite disciplined, though certainly not perfect, about family devotions after dinner. Since they grew up and moved away, our lives are less structured and Jacqui and I have sometimes gone weeks without doing them. In the recent months, I switched some things around that have been helpful for us.

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St. Basil the Great on the Holy Spirit and the Holy Angels

How could the Seraphim cry "Holy, Holy, Holy," were they not taught by the Spirit how often true religion requires them to lift their voice in this ascription of glory? Do "all His angels" and "all His hosts" praise God? It is through the co-operation of the Spirit. Do a "thousand thousand" angels stand before Him, and "ten thousand times ten thousand" ministering spirits? They are blamelessly doing their proper work by the power of the Spirit.

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Rick StuckwischComment
Remembering the Saints and Laying Our Loved Ones to Rest in the Hope of the Resurrection

The example of Sarah is the rhetoric, as it were, which draws, arouses, and persuades us to despise death; but the Sacrament brings about and works in my body what was brought about in Abraham and many saints who were raised from the dead. Therefore examples should not be scorned, since the rhetoric they employ is pleasant; but because the example of Christ is at the same time a Sacrament, it is efficacious in us and not only teaches us, as do the examples of the fathers, but accomplishes what it teaches. It gives life, the resurrection, and deliverance from death.

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"Our Confession is True, Godly, and Catholic..."

“We have frequently testified in this assembly that it is our greatest wish to maintain church-polity and the grades in the Church [old church-regulations and the government of bishops], even though they have been made by human authority [provided the bishops allow our doctrine and receive our priests].

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Larry BeaneComment
We Will Not Shut Up

The Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear arguments against a new Texas law that outlaws abortion once the child has a heartbeat. President Harrison caught a lot of grief - even from many claiming to be LCMS members…

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Larry Beane Comments
Fulfilled is All That Moses Told in Sure Prophetic Song of Old

What the Prophet Moses once saw from afar, from the cleft of the Rock on Mt. Sinai and from the heights of Mt. Nebo outside the Promised Land, he has rejoiced to see fulfilled in the One of whom he wrote and testified. On the Mountain of Transfiguration he spoke with Him concerning that great Exodus which the Lord Jesus was about to undergo and accomplish in Jerusalem. [So has He] opened the way through death into life. He has opened the Kingdom of heaven to all who believe and are baptized into Him.

As Moses carefully constructed the Tabernacle according to the sacred pattern that the Lord God showed to him, so has the true Image and Likeness of God been manifested in the Incarnate Son, Christ Jesus, who is the radiance of His Father’s Glory and the exact representation of His Nature, who upholds all things by the Word of His power. In Him, who has become Flesh and tabernacles with us, all the fullness of God dwells bodily.

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