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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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On Gran Torino

I used to enjoy movies, that is, before they all became preachy and “woke,” eager to push a Critical Theory Neo-Marxist narrative, and turning Christians and other demographic groups, into villains.

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Larry Beane Comments
Mission Indecipherable

This is funny because it’s true. All too often, churches sound like the worst that corporate, bureaucratic America have to offer. It is as though we could all have corporate-speak bingo cards during district conventions and when we read various church publications.

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Larry Beane Comments
Chemnitz on Relics

Now also after that miracle took place, we do not read that the bones of Elisha were taken out of the tomb, elevated to a high place, carried about; they were not set forth to be kissed, touched, viewed; they were not honored with candles, not adorned with silk, not adored with invocation for the purpose of obtaining help, not set forth for a special cult.

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Indeed these holy preachers advance because through their ministry the gifts of grace are multiplied in Holy Church, as it is written of this same Holy Church: “Do Thou make her furrows drunk with water, multiply her fruits; in her showers will she be glad when she sprouteth forth” (Ps 64:11).

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Karl FabriziusComment

Let us think, my dearest brethren, how pious is that promise whereby it is said: “Thy belly shall eat, and thy bowels shall be filled with this book which I give thee.” [Ez. 3:3]

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Karl FabriziusComment