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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Indeed these holy preachers advance because through their ministry the gifts of grace are multiplied in Holy Church, as it is written of this same Holy Church: “Do Thou make her furrows drunk with water, multiply her fruits; in her showers will she be glad when she sprouteth forth” (Ps 64:11).

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Karl FabriziusComment

Let us think, my dearest brethren, how pious is that promise whereby it is said: “Thy belly shall eat, and thy bowels shall be filled with this book which I give thee.” [Ez. 3:3]

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Karl FabriziusComment
Style vs. Substance

I often hear the argument that musical style is neutral when it comes to appropriateness for worship, and that the reason we in the Gottesdienst Crowd reject “contemporary worship” is simply because we just happen to like the organ and classical music.

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Larry Beane Comments
A Tale of Two Synods

When someone posted the above video of the Texas District that was shown at the Texas District Convention, I responded on social media in a tongue-in-cheek manner, saying that Lutherans would do well to have such polished productions as this obviously non-denominational presentation.

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Larry Beane Comments
Their Stolen Children Have Been Found

Canada has been rightly shaken by the recent discovery of the bodies of 215 children at the site of a Residential School in Kamloops BC. For more than a century, the children of indigenous Canadians were forcibly separated from their parents and families to be educated at boarding schools with a view to their assimilation to the ruling culture and their being torn apart from their native language and culture.

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