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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Singing the New Song with God and His Creation

The Chronicles of Narnia is a well-known and beloved fantasy series by the Christian thinker and writer, C.S. Lewis. And in that series, The Magician’s Nephew tells the creation story for the magical land of Narnia, as it was created by the God and Christ-figure of that world: the Lion, Aslan. It’s told from the perspective of a young boy named Digory from our world who stumbled into Narnia at its very beginning.

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Jesus Doubles Down

As the Church becomes increasingly marginalized and under attack - particularly church bodies that accept Scripture as inspired, infallible, and normative - Christians are going to be pressed harder and harder by strident forces of political correctness…

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Larry BeaneComment
"Here I Stand" Sunday

Back on March 2, an article was published that mentioned that the Synod had resolved to celebrate “Here I Stand” Sunday on April 18. This, of course, is in remembrance of Luther’s stand at the Diet of Worms 500 years ago this coming Sunday.

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John Bussman Comments