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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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O Lord, Open My Lips, that My Mouth May Declare Your Praise

It is by the Sacrifice of His Cross that Jesus the Christ, the Lamb of God, bears in His body and takes away the sins of the whole world, as St. John preaches, and as St. John inaugurates by means of his Baptism of repentance. So is the Lamb first offered up in the waters of the Jordan, unto His innocent suffering and death on Good Friday. So does He make full Atonement for all your sins. And it is by virtue of His Sacrifice that you are able to draw near and enter into the Holy Place, and that your prayers are heard and answered by God the Father in heaven. Indeed, your prayers rise before Him as a sweet-smelling incense, because He delights in you in Christ Jesus.

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St. Elizabeth of Hungary

After the death of Jesus, His friends and family had to find a place for His burial. A wealthy benefactor, a member of the Sanhedrin (the ruling council of the Jews), took a risk and officially asked for custody of our Lord’s body (which had been hastily removed from the cross with the approach of the extra special Passover Sabbath approaching at sundown).

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Larry Beane Comment
God Still Ordains Men

“God ordains men; be one,” as the sainted Rev. Dr. Kenneth Korby famously exhorted us pastors. And indeed, there is nothing more pathetic than men - ordained men - behaving like 13-year old girls.

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Larry Beane Comments
Christmas Cards

In this day and age of secularism and social media, one of the most countercultural acts a Christian can do is to send Christmas cards - real cards in real envelopes that end up in the real hands of loved ones, colleagues, friends, and those with whom we come into contact throughout the year.

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Larry BeaneComment