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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Holy Angels

O faithful God, lover, protector, and preserver of mankind, Lord of hosts, before whom stand a thousand times a thousand, and ten times a hundred thousand which minister unto You, through whom were made all things, visible and invisible, the thrones and dominions: how dearly You love mankind, that You should set over them from childhood Your holy angels…

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Guest AuthorComment
"I promise to get you out of here..."

I just saw a video of a worship service by an LCMS congregation online. It may have been led by a pastor, or it may have been a layman. I suspect the latter, but I cannot say for sure. He was wearing a suit and tie with no vestments. He was an older guy, but did not seem to be used to celebrating the Mass.

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Larry Beane Comments
Thoughts on the Collect, Trinity XIV

Perhaps I’ve written on it every year. I honestly don’t know. But I DO know that the translation in LSB just grates on my ear. O Lord, keep Your Church with Your perpetual mercy, and because of our frailty we cannot but fall, keep us ever by your help from all things hurtful and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation; through Jesus Christ....

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William Weedon Comments
WWJL: Whom Would Jesus Loot?

One of the ubiquitous standard talking points justifying rioting and the burning, looting, and pillaging of our cities, is that it has the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ. After all, Jesus “rioted” in the temple by overturning the tables of the money-changers.

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Larry Beane Comments