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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Woman, Behold Your Son

Take heart, dear child of God. He has not forgotten you. You are a disciple whom Jesus loves. Indeed, He loves you dearly. Yes, even you. And not only has He given you to comfort and care for your brothers and sisters in His Name, and for the widows and orphans in distress, but He has also laid you upon the bosom of His Church, that you should find in her your own dear Mother.

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Rick StuckwischComment
Pastoral Letter of Encouragement

For those who are presently constrained and prevented from many (perhaps all) of your regular duties, the temptation to despair is poignant. But do not be afraid! The Lord is with you and for you, He loves you, and His plans and purposes for you have neither gone awry nor been abandoned. It is for Him to know what He is even now preparing for you. And to you it is given to watch and pray, to wait upon His mercy, and to live by His grace through faith in His Word and promise.

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Do-It-Yourself: the Lay-Mass in the LCMS

The Coronavirus phenomenon has exposed some serious flaws that plague our Missouri Synod. Fortunately, the advocates of Lay-Mass in the home are outliers, and certainly don’t seem to be the norm. Nevertheless, there is clearly a problem of theological education that is in need to being addressed in our midst - not to mention the ever-present issue of church discipline in the context of a democratic, congregationally autonomous polity.

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Larry Beane Comments
Let It Be According to His Word

When it seems impossible to believe that you are His child, that He loves you, that He has forgiven you, and that He will never leave you nor forsake you, “Let it be according to His Word!” When it feels like the entire world is against you — and even when the whole wide world really is against you: “Let it be according to His Word!” When you are painfully aware of how small and frail and helpless you are: “Let it be according to His Word!” When the Cross lies heavy upon you, when you are able to see and feel nothing else but pain and heartache and sadness, and when you are reduced to lowliness and nothingness: “Let it be according to His Word!”

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