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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Lament for an Introit

Sadly, many of our modern services (following the suggested rubrics in the Altar Book) omit the lovely Introit for Ash Wednesday, with its powerful antiphon from Wisdom: “You have mercy on all, O Lord, and abhor nothing you have made. You look past the sins of men that they may repent. You spare them all because you are our Lord, our God.”

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William Weedon Comments
This is the Catholic Faith

We Lutherans are often accused of heresy by Roman Catholics by means of a clever and ironic rhetorical trick. Roman Catholics will sometimes claim that Jesus founded the Catholic Church, and therefore the Catholic Church is the only true church.

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Larry Beane Comments
That's Too Catholic!

I love our country, and I love the quirks of our culture - as well as its many unique subcultures. But we Americans often have a cloying habit of presuming that everyone in the world must surely think like we do. We are often ignorant of history to boot - and when it comes to our understanding of the Church - even of Lutheran Christianity - we sometimes embarrass ourselves.

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Larry Beane Comments
An Excellent, Commendable Custom

Formerly, each Sunday, we used to sing Nicea’s confession of faith, formulated at the Council of Nicea, in the words: Et homo factus est, “And he became man,” and everyone fell to his knees. That was an excellent, commendable custom and it might well still be practiced, so that we might thank God from the heart that Christ assumed human nature and bestowed such great and high honor upon us, allowing his Son to become man.—Homily on the Day of the Annunciation, 1532 Martin Luther (House Postils III:292)

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