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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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“But I Discipline My body…”

St. Paul writes to the Corinthian congregation: “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” 1 Cor. 9:27. A footnote in the ESV comes clean on the Greek: “I pummel my body and make it a slave.”

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Guest Author Comment
"Toxic" Traditionalism

The National Catholic Reporter published an opinion piece by Zita Ballinger Fletcher that was dripping with venom toward traditional liturgy. In this Roman Catholic context, the traditional liturgy is represented by the Tridentine (Latin) Mass vs. the modernized Novus Ordo Mass and its attendant innovations and incorporation of various secular and syncretistic religious elements.

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Larry BeaneComment
Daily Prayer and Bible Reading

I know that I struggled with this for years, bopping from one thing to the next. How on earth to find the time? The best resource to use? Something that wasn’t too simplistic (sorry, Portals, but you just weren’t what I was looking for at all); and not too complicated (yes, the Daily Office as in The Brotherhood Prayer Book is a great joy, but there is frustration when you inevitably fall behind and finding all the propers scattered throughout the volume is more than a challenge, ribbons or not!).

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