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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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The 2007 movie Idiocracy isn’t for everyone. Especially for children. Please don’t queue up the DVD in the Sunday School room. It’s even more inappropriate for children than Veggie Tales. If you are easily offended by crude language, it is not for you. But in the case of this film, the crudeness is necessary, as it is a satire upon the increasing crassness of our culture.

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What's in a Name?

A pastor of an LCMS congregation recently made a big production out of his congregation’s name change. They had previously excised the name “Lutheran”, but had retained the rest of the congregation’s original name after one of our Blessed Lord’s apostles. But now, in response to the disapproval of unbelievers, and based on focus groups and research, the pastor pushed for the congregation to adopt a completely non-traditional name that was actually the same as the brand name of an SUV. It has generated some humorous responses in the world of Lutheran social media and blogs.

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