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Most Certainly Beane

I have a Substack called Most Certainly Beane. You are invited to subscribe (it’s free), or simply to read it at the website. Or not! I never post things behind a paywall. The name is tongue-in-cheek humor. I wanted to put my name on it (as I’m the only contributor) and make the name of the blog a kind of Lutheran “dad joke.” So there it is. You are free to groan, and as Lutherans, hopefully in four-part harmony.

And if you’re not familiar with Substack, it’s a great publishing format that, I believe, has revitalized blogging. I get more hits on MCB than I did at my old blog that I began twenty years ago, and even through the many years when blogging was in its heyday. If you want to put your own writing out there, or if you want to write in more depth than Facebook or X, Substack is a vehicle to do just that. It’s free, and it’s easy to use. If you choose, you can monetize your writing, or you can just accept donations - or not! And, if you choose, you can also post links to what you write to social media, or even host your own podcast - so it is a win-win.

Here is a search listing of Substack publications that have the word “Lutheran” in them. Ad Crucem is also on Substack.

Although blogging here at Gottesblog is my favorite outlet, there are some topics - such as purely secular politics, economics, hobbies, etc. that are just not germane here. Sometimes I address issues concerning the church that I want to make sure don’t cause my fellow editors heartburn based on “guilt by association,” so I post them there.

So what is at MCB?

  • I write a devotion Monday through Friday, unimaginatively entitled “Today’s Devotion,” based on the New Testament reading from the LSB/TDP daily lectionary. I try to include my Sunday sermons as well, but those are a little more tricky to put up. I need to be more vigilant about it. Some links to my sermon archive are found there.

  • I share links to other outlets in which I have been published.

  • I make an occasional video monologue at Rumble.

  • I write whatever comes to mind - whether related to the church or not.

And like social media and Gottesblog posts, you are free to read what interests you, and to scroll through and just skip the rest. Whether you agree or disagree with me, you are welcome to write your own blog and join the conversation in the blogosphere.

I’m gratified by the current refreshing and reinvigorating trend in our country and society that once again values free speech, that is pushing back against woke ideology, that is making it more hospitable to address controversial or contentious issues with less likelihood of reprisals by media companies or official entities. We are entering a new phase of the open exchange of information and opinions. This cannot help but spill over into our life together as the church. This is a golden opportunity for our synod, so long as they are willing to shift with us to the new paradigm: to be nimble, relevant, open, and to respond with alacrity to topics that pop up in the real world.

Once again, here’s the link if you’re interested.