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Stay With Us, Lord, and Keep Us True

In today’s New Testament reading from the Treasury of Daily Prayer, St. Peter warns us about “false prophets” and “false teachers” who confess particular kinds of “destructive heresies” that are sensual and sexually deviant in nature (2 Pet 2:1, 6-10). He warns that they are loud and proud groomers (2 Pet 2:14, 18-19).

The apostle identifies the fountainhead of this movement: “denying the Master who bought them” (2 Pet 2:1). They deny the Biblical premise of our being ransomed by the Christ Himself. And we see this manifested today in the Woke ideology that is fixated not on Christ, but on sexuality and skin color - replacing the clear teaching of the Word of God by seeing the Scriptures as suggestions at best. The road to Critical Theory has passed through the village of Higher Criticism and of women’s “ordination,” and is now wending its way through drag queens in the library and at the altar. The terminus of this highway is hell itself (2 Pet 2:1, 3, 9-10, 12).

The above video is from the United Methodist Church. What is telling is that nearly every clip involves an attack on the veracity and authority of the Bible. At best, to them, the Scriptures may contain God’s Word, or are guidelines of some sort. To these people, the Bible is neither normative nor divine. It is a cafeteria from which to pick and choose.

And this is the rotten fruit of Higher Criticism that plagued and infested the LCMS - especially Concordia Seminary, St. Louis - in the 1960s and 1970s. The very pastors and congregations that “walked out” are today in altar and pulpit fellowship with the Methodists in this video. That is where it has led. One can only wonder if John Tietjen, Martin Marty, and other champions of Seminex would today join hands with what is in this video. Or would they hang their heads in shame, and repent?

It is a fool’s errand to speculate. But what we can do is pay heed to both St. Peter and our own recent history. We need to crush the renascent Wokeism that is fermenting in our universities (and hopefuly not our seminaries!). Either we are all-in with the Scriptures, or we are on the road to hell.

Here is 2 Peter 2 in its entirety: